Whangarei Flying Club

Airport News


Whangarei Flying Club
/ Categories: Whangarei Flying Club

Whangarei Flying Club

Situated in Hangar 10 at Onerahi Airport is the Whangarei Flying Club.

The Club was inaugurated as the Northern Recreational Flying Club in March 2001 and expanded and strengthened in 2012 when the Northland Districts Aero Club, which was closing down its operation, invested its funds in the Club and the name was changed to the Whangarei Flying Club. 

Having gone through some difficult times the Club now boasts 150 members, of which, a good number are actve flyers. The pilots range from new students to pilots with thousands of hours – ages range from 14 to midnineties with many pilots aged from 60
upwards – age is no barrier.

The Club Patron, June Billings, is in her nineties and is still an active pilot of some skill. She is a Committee member of long-standing and is a most generous benefactor to the club. A dedicated and forward-looking Committee has managed the Club into a position of strength over the last few years. The flying rates are by far the cheapest around, a fact which has attracted several student pilots from the Auckland city area who each come up for a day at a time, spending these days flying and taking exams.

Six volunteer instructors handle the training from an initiation flight to the gaining of passenger ratings, type ratings and license renewals. Subjects studied cover Aircraft Technical Knowledge, Meteorology, Navigation, Aviation Law and Radio Procedures. The Club currently operates two Tecnam two-seat aircraft. Tecnam is an Italian company specializing in the manufacture of a range of aircraft and aircraft parts.

These Tecnams are excellent training and cross-country aircraft, being stable and docile in all 09 436 0047 aspects of flight and able to cope with the handling of pilots of all abilities. The Club has just completed a self-build Savannah Kit – the Savannah is a STOL-type airplane capable of being flown in and out of short strips and on and off beaches and will add another dimension to Club flying for pilots with more experience.

This project to build the Savannah served to enhance Club activities by including and involving everyone from students to retirees and both flying and social members. An enthusiastic band of builders unpacked, sorted and cataloged the myriad of parts and got construction underway. Now completed the Savannah-registered ZK-JUN is a regular sight in our sky.

Apart from Mondays, when the aircraft are serviced by the Engineering team, the Club is open all hours thanks to all members involved. Everyone is welcome at any time for flying or just a social call - the jug is always on.

Every Sunday is Club Day when pilots from all points of the compass arrive in a range of aircraft for a yarn and lunch – Penny Burgers - the best and cheapest in Northland. This lunch is not for pilots only – anyone is welcome.

Nigel Towler 021 762077
John Healy: 027 433 4511